Function VBPXGetAlpha (Record As RECORDHANDLE, Field As FIELDHANDLE, dest As String) As Integer
Dim Status As Integer
Dim WorkLen As Integer
Dim WorkStr As String
Dim NullPos As Integer
WorkLen = Len(dest) + 1
WorkStr = String$(WorkLen, 0)
Status = PXGetAlpha(Record.rHandle, Field.fHandle, WorkLen, WorkStr)
If Status = PXSUCCESS Then
' Find the first null and truncate the string from
' there on
NullPos = InStr(1, WorkStr, Chr$(0))
dest = Mid$(WorkStr, 1, NullPos - 1)
End If
VBPXGetAlpha = Status
End Function
Function VBPXGetDefaults (swapSize As Integer, maxTables As Integer, maxRecBufs As Integer, maxLocks As Integer, maxFiles As Integer, sortOrder As String) As Integer
Function VBPXRecLast (table As TABLEHANDLE) As Integer
VBPXRecLast = PXRecLast(table.thandle)
End Function
Function VBPXRecNext (table As TABLEHANDLE) As Integer
VBPXRecNext = PXRecNext(table.thandle)
End Function
Function VBPXRecNFlds (table As TABLEHANDLE, nflds As Integer) As Integer
VBPXRecNFlds = PXRecNFlds(table.thandle, nflds)
End Function
Function VBPXRecNum (table As TABLEHANDLE, RNum As RECORDNUMBER) As Integer
VBPXRecNum = PXRecNum(table.thandle, RNum.recnum)
End Function
Function VBPXRecPrev (table As TABLEHANDLE) As Integer
VBPXRecPrev = PXRecPrev(table.thandle)
End Function
Function VBPXSave () As Integer
VBPXSave = PXSave()
End Function
Function VBPXSetDefaults (bufSize As Integer, maxTables As Integer, maxRecBufs As Integer, maxLocks As Integer, maxFiles As Integer, sortOrder As String) As Integer
Dim PXSORT As Integer
' The engine wants a C single character, not a string for the sort order
' VB doesn't know from single characters. So put its ascii code in an int, and